Exotiska växter i Skandinavien

Svar: Winter is coming *LINK* *PIC*
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Kjell, minä en ole ainoa enkä ensimmäinen, muillakin kasvavat erilaisia eksoottisia kasveja. Keskustellaan puutarhurifoorumissa "Klorofylli", jossa on myös palmusivuja: http://www.klorofylli.com/viewtopic.php?t=2589 Tiedän että ainakin Juha-68 sekä Ow kasvattavat palmuja ulkona.
I'm not the first nor the one, we have a gardener forum "Klorofylli" where some kollegas write about their palms outdoors, e.g. Juha-68 and Ow.

Jerker, I remember you very good, have to say more, I look at Gävle temperatures as the nearest and same climatic point similar to mine where palms GROW. :) My plants are covered with styrofoam shields, that's why these frosts aren't dangerous for them.
A part of palmbed in september 2008:

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