Exotiska växter i Skandinavien

Svar: There is one thing that we all could do to get answers...

....and that is: TRY for yourselves.

According to all kinds of zone maps, the area where I live is not at all suited for palm trees or figs. But still... they grow here, and they are all very alive and healthy.

I don´t pay too much attention to all the maps showing different climate zones - especially not the USDA zone maps - because they don´t give the whole truth. Not by far.

All of you know what the climate is like where YOU live, no matter what statistics may tell you. If you believe that you can grow a palm tree - try it.
You might very well succeed. Just remember that you may have to help it through the winters sometimes. But that´s just part of the fun.

There is a good book about this: "Palms won´t grow here - and other myths", written by David A. Francko.
If you´re interested in growing exotic plants in colder climates, this is an interesting book to read.

Good luck everybody.


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