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Vedr. selvbestøvning hos Phyllostachys

Jeg fandt nedenstående sammendrag fra artiklen: Estimation of Outcrossing Rate in Phyllostachys edulis by Microsatellite Polymorphism
Liu Zhengjie, Lin Yuan, Zhou Mingbing, Tang Dingqin

Jeg forstår sætningen nedenfor: "..indicating that the reproductive system of P. edulis predominantly involved in self-fertilization (selvbestøvning o.a.).." således at Phyllostachys edulis i forsøget primært var selvbestøvende.

Mating system is the basic property of plant populations and biological foundation for germplasm preservation as well as genetic improvement. In this study we applied developed 8 microsatellite loci with high polymorphism to analyze 50 half-sib progenies from each of 3 independent flowering culms of Phyllostachys edulis. The results showed that flowering culms in three different locations were fertilized with foreign pollen, which generated progenies with different microsatellite genotypes and genetic diversity. The overall estimates of outcrossing rate tm of single-locus and ts of multi-locus for the three culms were 0.089, indicating that the reproductive system of P. edulis predominantly involved in self-fertilization with a certain proportion of outcrossing to produce genetic diverse progenies. This is the first report so far on estimation of outcrossing rate for monopodial bamboo species such as P. edulis by DNA molecular markers.

Nb. Manglende frugtsætning kan skyldes andre årsager end manglende evne til selvbestøvning.

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