Exotiska växter i Skandinavien

Eucalyptus from cuttings: Life of a Clone (video) *LINK* *PIC*

Eucalyptus from cuttings, Life of an Eucalyptus clone in a forestry nursery in Brazil / Eucaliptos de esqueje, Vida de un Clon de Eucalipto en un vivero forestal de Brasil / Propagación Vegetativa de Eucalipto / Eucalyptus vegetative propagation / Mini Jardim Clonal de Eucalipto / Eucalyptus Clonal forestry orchard / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain
Life of an Eucalyptus Clone (Videolink)

Eucalyptus from cuttings, Life of an Eucalyptus clone in a forestry nursery in Brazil / Eucaliptos de esqueje, Vida de un Clon de Eucalipto en un vivero forestal de Brasil / Propagación Vegetativa de Eucalipto / Eucalyptus vegetative propagation / Mini Jardim Clonal de Eucalipto / Eucalyptus Clonal forestry orchard / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain
Life of an Eucalyptus Clone (Videolink)

The easiest way is from seed. But as it is normally read all over that Eucalyptus are impossible from cuttings, there it goes a video courtesy of The Sunjournal depicting it is quite possible.

