Exotiska växter i Skandinavien

Eucalyptus as dieback perennials: taking advantage of resurrection *LINK* *PIC*

Cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus polyanthemos coppice regrowth as a dieback perennial in a USDA Zone 8 garden / Rebrote de cepa en Eucalipto Silver Dolar ornamental resistente a las heladas / Cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus Silver Dollar coppice regrowth as a dieback perennial in a USDA Zone 8 garden / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain

After having seen Frank's eucalypts under a frost coat and with all this recent talk in the neighbour Hardy Eucalyptus Board about Eucalyptus as dieback plants and watching some of my tender ones going through -7ºC recently, I thought of adding some of Joe Kiefer's (thanks Joe!) nice photos to one of mine and throw in some blabla too as reference for future doubts.

Just for those to the North of Skåne in case everything fails even with the cold hardiest species and the right seed provenances as Frank uses, because even after the worst, these trees do sometimes resurrect! :)



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